
Collaborations, Evaluations, and Conversations for a Secure Future

In today’s fast-paced world, organizations such as yours grapple with growing complexities, shifting risks, and swift changes. But security still stands as a critical priority, demanding robust strategies and infrastructures that extend beyond surface-level (goodbye, cookie-cutter) solutions.

The risks your business faces are not going away anytime soon, so you must be prepared. Part of this preparation is having a deep understanding of the diverse array of security technologies that can augment your strategies and personnel.

The rapid innovation occurring within the physical security technology market further complicates the task of finding the ideal solutions for your organization. As integration options improve, the risks of investing in and implementing these technologies also increase. Traditional evaluations — such as product demonstrations, literature reviews, and RFI/RFQ documents — often fall short in navigating this complex situation.

It shouldn’t be this hard. So, we’ve decided to help. We’ve created a clear path forward to make the process of technology evaluation and selection easier for you.

Introducing LabZ, a dedicated program for innovation, independent evaluation, collaboration, and continuous improvement. LabZ is designed to help us gain a comprehensive perspective on security technology, services, and strategies, ensuring that the tactics we use meet and even exceed real-world expectations.

A Center of Collaboration

LabZ is part of our journey from a technology, services, and system design firm to a comprehensive security consulting and service provider. It’s the latest building block of ZBeta and a place where we can all come together to improve our knowledge, strategies, and skills.

LabZ foundation is built on five key pillars:


LabZ performs performance and function tests on equipment and integrated solutions, documenting and publishing findings for our clients and the industry.

Knowledge Base

We build and sustain an extensive, interactive database encompassing security manufacturers and service providers, their products, and essential features and criteria.

Research and Analysis

Our team collects and analyzes system and program data to identify trends, validate costs and benefits, and help set success and performance benchmarks.

Solution Optimization

We engage in research-driven consulting, roadmap development, subject matter expertise, and R&D assistance, along with app configuration and solution optimization.

Industry Collaboration and Thought Leadership

One of our core missions is to address persistent industry challenges by proposing solutions, questioning assumptions, and issuing constructive challenges.

A Hub for Innovation and Evaluation

The LabZ facility in downtown Chicago includes an advanced testing center, meeting rooms, collaboration areas, and more. The facility serves as a test environment, proving ground, and sandbox to support program goals and evolving client needs.

How can LabZ help you?

Real-world testing. If you’re considering a new technology solution, or you’re evaluating several, LabZ can help. You will get the details of how the solutions you are thinking of implementing perform in real-world environments, not planned demo situations. We’ll work collaboratively with you to see how these solutions truly function when configured to your specific use cases.

Hands-on demonstrations. Would your security personnel, system operators, or even members of your leadership team benefit from hands-on experience of a technology solution? Would that help you achieve your goals? LabZ is the place to demonstrate and prove its capabilities.

Design validation. So you have an idea for an innovative solution to a security problem or opportunity but you need support to realize that idea? Our LabZ team is the partner to help you prove its value.

Integration validation. New integrations between multiple applications or software and new devices can seem overwhelming. In our LabZ facility, we can help you build a proof of concept and validate functionality before you make the decision to deploy.

Consumption gap analysis. Are you current solutions under-utilized? Are they not performing as advertised? LabZ is your partner to help you dream and implement a more fully automated, integrated solution.

Join us on this journey as we dream, innovate, and lead the industry toward a smarter, more secure tomorrow. Learn more about LabZ.



700 Larkspur Landing Circle
Suite 150
Larkspur CA, 94939


600 1st Ave
Suite 102
Seattle WA, 98104

Business Mailing

600 1st Ave
Suite 102, PMB 2087
Seattle WA, 98104

(855) 559 2382

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